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A Decade and One Strong: Celebrating BlackboxMyCar’s 11th Year Anniversary | A Decade and One Strong: Celebrating BlackboxMyCar’s 11th Year Anniversary | BlackboxMyCar

A Decade and One Strong: Celebrating BlackboxMyCar’s 11th Year Anniversary

Short story time: Did you know that during his sophomore year, our CEO Alex Jang had his family involved in a car accident? With a lack of evidence and witnesses, the case to prove his family’s innocence took over a year to settle.

From there, Alex realized that the security, stress, and money involved in the proceedings could have not happened if only he had one thing - video evidence.

And this experience fueled Alex to build our company, BlackboxMyCar.

It all started with the urge to bring a solution to the thousands of car incidents happening in a day. Now, it’s bringing more than just safety, but also peace of mind, convenience, and creating connections.

From being a small-scale dash cam business, to being North America’s largest dash cam supplier. BlackboxMyCar has achieved milestones that wouldn’t have been possible without our customers, whom we regard as the bedrock of our success.

With pride and honor, here’s a glimpse of what we have shared together for the past 11 years.

Celebrating 11 Years with BlackboxMyCar

4,014 Business Days

Since we started the business in 2012, our goal has been to end the day with at least one car or family protected through a dash cam. Now, we have been operating for over 4,014 days, and we love to think that thousands of families are traveling safely because of us.

984 Google Reviews + 4,083 Reviews

Customer satisfaction lies in our DNA. Whether it’s a product or service, our team always has the energy and commitment to help in dash cams and everything in between.

As a result, BlackboxMyCar has been one of the trusted car surveillance companies in the world, garnering a constellation of 5-star reviews online, and even by word of mouth. We read all of them, and it boosts us to bring our best everyday. Want to share your BBMC experience? You can give a quick shout here.

2,230,000+ Shipment Orders Around the World

We want to be closer to you – that’s why we partnered with global marketplaces like Amazon in the US, Amazon Canada, eBay and Best Buy, plus our own BlackboxMyCar US and BlackboxMyCar CA stores – to make purchases easier for you. Because of our wide availability, more and more customers were able to buy from us, helping us reach over 2,230,000+ orders nationwide this year!

24 Team Members

And our team just keeps on expanding. With experts and dedicated members of the marketing team, sales team, and management not just from Canada but also around the world, the foundation of BlackboxMyCar is becoming stronger than ever.

12,000+ SqFt of Local Office Space

Located at the heart of British Columbia, the BlackboxMyCar headquarters has expanded to 12,000 square feet in space, housing the best employees and the best products. If you need help in installing a dash cam, you can also drive here and visit too!

5 Warehouses Across North America

We assure you that every product you buy from us is well-kept, and is easy to have. We don’t wanna keep you waiting for too long, and our warehouses across North America shorten the distance and waiting time for you to get your order swiftly and safely.

16 Different Dash Cam Brands Sold

BlackboxMyCar partners with globally renowned brands in Asia, North America, and Europe. For the past eleven years, we have gained the trust of the best dash cam nameplates such as BlackVue, Thinkware, VIOFO, FineVu, Nextbase, Nexar, eCell, Vantrue, Vicovation, Innotek, Lukas, Roadview, Cobra, Street Guardian, Panorama, Skyview, and DOD - and we continue to do business with more.

7,000+ SKUs

With over 7,000 SKUs, we also assure that we have sufficient numbers in the inventory for you. With our variety of stocks from dash cams, battery packs, and accessories, BlackboxMyCar is driven to provide you with everything you need for your driving security, all in one place.

And the numbers just keep growing….

Millions of orders worldwide, thousands of excellent reviews, hundreds of products sold, and a continuously growing network of people, all driving towards ONE goal - to make sure that the ones who matter are safe in every drive.

As we celebrate our 11th year, we want to take this opportunity to thank you for making the journey memorable and worthwhile! Nothing but the best, from your BBMC fam.

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