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A Heartfelt Thank You from Alex | A Heartfelt Thank You from Alex | BlackboxMyCar

A Heartfelt Thank You from Alex

On Thursday, November 21, 2019, the Richmond Chamber of Commerce will hold it’s 42nd Business Excellence Awards Gala. I will be attending with Joseph, our Marketing Manager and Murphy, our Sales Manager. I can already tell it's going to be a magnificent event - a chance for us to meet the Mayor of Richmond, the Chamber executive and hundreds of other business owners in Richmond.

As a part of the Gala, the Richmond Chamber of Commerce will hand out 10 Awards of Excellence, including the Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

Finalist: Young Entrepreneur of the Year

I am so incredibly humbled, and excited, to be nominated for the award of Young Entrepreneur of the Year, let alone become a finalist. Whether I win or not, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Thank you first and foremost to the kind person who nominated me. Thank you for recognizing the dedication, hard work and love I have put into BlackboxMyCar. Thank you for the Richmond Chamber of Commerce members who kindly voted for me to be a finalist. I have to say, they have a tough decision ahead of them as this year’s list of finalists are all so amazing and all so deserving.

I also want to thank everyone at BlackboxMyCar - our Sales Team, Marketing Team, Office Support and Shipping Team, and all of our customers - you are the reason I am writing this today. I truly believe that when business owners, employees and customers consider themselves one big happy family, success is not far away.

BlackboxMyCar: Now and Then

I started BlackboxMyCar 7 years ago. I was a student at the University of British Columbia, living at home. One year, my mother was involved in an accident and I brought a few dash cams from Korea and installed one in my parent's car and the other one for myself. Back then, only a very few people has heard or or used a dash cam and that was when I had my ah-ha moment.

My bedroom was my first office, and then slowly my business expanded into the living room, family room and garage. I am sure my parents were secretly relieved when they saw me move into our first office in Richmond in 2014. They can finally have their living room and garage back!

Today, we are a team of 18 full-time staff. We have a retail front and a service centre. We are a diverse bunch, coming in from all corners of the world, but we all have one thing in common - we like to treat each other and our customers like friends and family. We enjoy spending time getting to know each and every one of our teammates and customers. Many of our customers have been with us since our early beginnings, and together we have witnessed the dash cam industry grow from an eclectic niche to what it is today.

We never see ourselves as making a sale or meeting a sales target. Our stance from day one is to provide as much accurate, unbiased information as our community needs so that everyone can make the most informed decision on what best suits their idea of “the safest drive” for them and their passengers. We have help install dash cams in government vehicles, which was really cool, commercial fleets and consumer cars.

The emphasis in the last year or so has been on bringing back the joy of driving with safe driving and safer roads, and BlackboxMyCar is very proud and excited to be part of it. Our dream is that one day, every vehicle on the road will be equipped with a dash cam and every driver will tell you how much they love the road, the journey, the drive.

Congratulations to the award nominees and the award finalists, especially to Clean Break Home Services and Harmony Dental Studio, running alongside you is an honour.

And now, we’ve got a party to prepare for - and I still haven’t a clue what to wear!

Alex Jang

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