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Doing Our Part in Times of Uncertainty | Doing Our Part in Times of Uncertainty | BlackboxMyCar

Doing Our Part in Times of Uncertainty

Latest update: May 22, 2020

Effective June 1, 2020:

We are excited to announce that we will be gradually resuming our normal hours of operation over the coming weeks:

  • Starting May 25, we will be available to assist you via email, phone and Live Chat from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
  • Starting June 1, our office will officially open back up for walk-ins and installations
  • Saturday hours will be starting back up starting June 6

We want to thank all our customers for their support in the last couple months. As we slowly resume regular operation hours and installation bookings, we look forward to seeing you all again!

Dear friends and family,

On behalf of the BlackboxMyCar Team, our hearts and thoughts are with all those who have been impacted by COVID-19. In truth, we all are. At BlackboxMyCar we hold ourselves to a high standard of transparent communication with customers and like you. In these uncertain times, the safety and well-being of our customers and employees remains our top priority. Therefore, I’d like to share some immediate steps and safety measures we have implemented.

We are taking the following precautions to ensure we can continue to uphold our responsibility to you:

  • High sanitization standards in our retail office, warehouse, and service centre, with increased sanitation and hand-washing protocols. Masks and gloves are available on site for staff use.
  • Handshake Free Zone. We have asked staff not to shake hands with guests, customers and any person who might visit us at our location.
  • We are restricting our garage, warehouse, and shipping centre to authorized staff only.
  • Closing storefront and made remote work arrangements for non-essential staff to facilitate social distancing.
  • We are making every effort to ensure the products you need are available and we are working closely with our suppliers and delivery partners to meet your needs and to get your order out as quickly as possible.

As North America’s #1 dash cam experts, our top priority has been and will continue to be, our customers and employees as well as those in our supply chain. We will be monitoring this situation closely and are prepared to take additional precautions. In the meantime, we will be temporarily closing our storefront and have made remote working arrangements for all non-essential staff. Our Sales team will be working remotely to assign you online: phone, email, and Live Chat.

We have also made changes to our Install Service Centre booking procedure. We will not be accepting any booking questions via our online booking form until June 1 - all bookings until then will need to be done directly from This will allow us to space out the appointments to ensure social distancing as well as eliminate all pay-in-person or exchange of cash between our staff and our customer(s).

Our Install Service Centre, including our Customer Waiting Lounge, will remain open. Please be advised that all customers will be asked to wear a mask and disinfect their hands. Masks and hand sanitizers will be provided on site.

However, if you have an installation appointment booked but would like to reschedule, please do not hesitate to contact us so we can accommodate. Our team is here on phone, email, live chat, and text messages, 5 days a week so you can connect with us anytime.

For further information on COVID-19, including ways to reduce your risk of infection, please refer to the following resources:

Sincerely yours,

Alex Jang

CEO, BlackboxMyCar

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