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Vantrue Says They Will Launch their Cloud Service Soon - Here’s Our Wish List. | Vantrue Says They Will Launch their Cloud Service Soon - Here’s Our Wish List. | BlackboxMyCar

Vantrue Says They Will Launch their Cloud Service Soon - Here’s Our Wish List.

One of the most talked about dash cams during the past few weeks of May, aside from the new Thinkware U3000, is the Vantrue N5 – the Chinese brand’s first four-channel camera that includes a front, rear, interior, and rear cabin interior camera. We did notice that the features of the Nexus 5, aka N5 do have a lot of similarities with the VIOFO A139 Pro, so we took these two dash cams to a test to know which works better. The results? Find out here.

We got really interested in the Vantrue N5 – but one of the biggest pieces of information that we have learned about it came out from a comment by Jeff from Vantrue, published on

So, Vantrue will be releasing a Cloud service or product by the end of 2023! As of this writing, Vantrue hasn’t released any information about the features yet, but we really have a lot of hopes and wishes for it. We think that this dash cam brand cares about innovation.

But the Vantrue Cloud itself – what would they include? Is it going to be a Cloud service like Thinkware and BlackVue? Or will it just be another extra Cloud storage like Nextbase or Garmin? We’re listing down all the features we wish to see, and hope that Vantrue will consider.

Wish #1: Remote Live View

If the Vantrue Cloud will offer more than just storage, we would love to see connectivity features here like the Remote Live View and Playback. What makes Cloud services a must-have is its ability to show users what’s happening around their cars wherever they are in the world. Aside from ensuring that the car is safe, it can also provide them evidence that no one else could provide.

One good example is this. A few months ago, we released a blog about a dash cam user who left his car in the tire shop for some repairs. By the time he got his car back, he went on to check the parking mode recordings of his dash cam to see how the repair went. Unfortunately, he saw nothing - no signs that the service center did something for his car! Thanks to his Parking Mode recording, he was able to see what really happened, although we think that it might have been prevented earlier if he was using a Cloud dash cam with Remote Live View to check in during the process.

So, the moment you leave the car to unfamiliar locations, service centers, dealers, or people you don’t really get to interact with all the time, the Remote Live View enables you to check the dash cam’s live view right on your smartphone screen. Through the parking mode recording, the dash cam user above was able to see what really happened, while also getting an offer for his car to get re-serviced and getting a refund. Yes, he saved time, money, and energy but the whole scenario could’ve been prevented if the access was gotten real time!

Wish #2: We hope the Vantrue Cloud can send automatic alerts when the car detects potential dangers

Next on our Vantrue Cloud wishlist is the inclusion of alerts, or Push Notification features. We understand that there will always be the need to leave our cars in locations we are not really familiar with, especially during out-of-town travel, or even in supermarkets and mall parking lots. In some cases, the moment we get back to our cars, we find dents and scratches of sorts and we can’t do anything about it anymore!

While we are always on our phones, it would be great if Vantrue Cloud can send instant notifications in case the dash cam detects any potential dangers around the car – whether it’s by humans or another car!

For example, you went back to your car and noticed some fresh dents. If the parking lot where you left your car is monitored by CCTV, you can still possibly see who’s responsible for it, although we find it inconvenient to do so!

Now, if your car has a Cloud dash cam with Push Notification features, you’ll get instant alerts when it detects motion and impact. No need to report unknown scratches or vandals to the security department, as you already have the solution in your hands! On top of the instant notifications, we would also love Vantrue Cloud to automatically upload the said footage in the Cloud, so we will no longer fear losing it for evidence.

Wish #3: We’d love to see GPS and Geofencing

We are happy to know that the Vantrue N5 is equipped with a GPS logger, and it’s built inside the unit. But it would be amazing if the Vantrue Cloud will have accurate GPS tracking and Geofencing features, too!

We first saw these features in the BlackVue Cloud and Thinkware Connected, and we absolutely agree how these features would be beneficial for parents with young drivers, and fleet managers! Especially for young and inexperienced drivers, we want to make sure that they know the routes they’re going to take. Most importantly, we wanna make sure they’re safe.

On the other hand, GPS features and Geofencing are also a must-have for fleet management, so we would like Vantrue to have this as well. With these features, fleet managers can track the best routes to ensure driving efficiency, while also saving money on fuel. We also look forward to the Vantrue Cloud having something like BlackVue’s Event Map, so fellow Vantrue users can inform each other on various road events so they know which ones to avoid.

And in case there’s a road incident which you want your driver to know, a voice call or two-way communication feature in the Vantrue Cloud would be so convenient! This means you can talk to your driver through the dash cam’s built-in microphone and speaker, without distracting them to get their phones.

Wish #4: Built-in Wifi/LTE

And for our final wish, we are hoping that Vantrue’s newest dash cam will make it easier for users to connect to the internet. Of course, we can’t use the Cloud without being connected to the internet – and we don’t always have a Wi-Fi connection around. So, if the Vantrue dash cam can be connected to an LTE module or a mobile hotspot, it would be great!

But nothing would be greater if the internet is coming from the dash cam itself, right? Jeff from Vantrue mentioned that a dash cam with built-in LTE would be launched soon, so we’re expecting it to be a direct competitor of LTE-enabled dash cams like the DR770X-2CH LTE and DR970X-2CH LTE that takes matters one step further by having an in-built SIM card slot, and offering official BlackVue SIM cards, transforming the dash cam itself to a Wi-Fi router where you can connect your personal devices!

Here’s to a future of innovation!

As of now, the features we have mentioned above are all available in the BlackVue Cloud – which is the best Cloud service we have ever had. With Remote Live View, Push Notifications, Event Map, GPS tracking, Two-Way Communication, and Built-in LTE connectivity, user convenience remains at the forefront, and we sincerely hope Vantrue will take a significant step forward in merging these features into their Cloud services for the benefit of the growing Vantrue community.

Furthermore, we’re excited to see what innovations they are able to come up with, and help push the cloud further than these monoliths of the cloud service in BlackVue and Thinkware have already taken it.

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